Wed. Mar 26th, 2025


Lets work together for a SAFE India

Avut Vision

AVUT’s vision is to carry out programme like seminar/workshop on Fire Safety Management especially in schools to create mass awareness amongst the children and staff on Fire Safety. Schools are an idle place for learning and disseminating information, effective methodologies used in educating them would in turn enhance the local community members, who would act as the first respondents to respond effectively and efficiently.

The key objectives of fire safety management are:-
1: to minimise the risk of fire;
2: to protect the means of escape;
3: to limit the spread of fire.
The fire safety programme should incorporate arrangements for:

(a) The prevention of an outbreak of fire through the establishment of day to day fire prevention practices;
(b) The instruction and training of staff;
(c) The holding of fire and evacuation drills;
(d) Informing the public of the procedures to be followed in the event of a fire or other emergency;
(e) Ensuring fire escape routes and fire exit doors/passageways are unobstructed and doors operate correctly;
(f) The provision of adequate fire protection equipment and systems, and their inspection and maintenance;
(g) Consulting with and implementing recommendations of the local fire department;
(h) Producing an emergency plan and erection of fire notices.

  • AVUT’s endeavor would be to ensure the implementation of the judgements delivered by various courts w.r.t safety laws.
  • AVUT will file Public Interest Litigations (PIL) to ensure safety in public spaces.
  • AVUT will follow up with the Government to implement the law to deal with man-made disaster for which Law commission has come out with a consultation paper.